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01 Jun-02 Jun 2023
Keeping Healthy
  • 8 and over
  • Medicines
  • Microbes and Parasites

Resistance is futile

Consider how antibiotics work and explore antibiotic-resistant bacteria with this downloadable resource, shared by the University of Dundee.
  • 8 and over
  • Medicines
  • Microbes and Parasites

Build a biofilm

Find out about biofilms and the role they play in disease development with this downloadable resource.
  • 8 and over
  • Microbes and Parasites

Infectious diseases of the world

Infectious diseases are caused by tiny living things like bacteria, viruses and parasites. In this activity, discover where a selection of infectious diseases are most commonly found.
  • 8 and over
  • Microbes and Parasites

Growing Microbes

Discover the importance of hand hygiene as you grow your own microbe colonies in this 'hands on' activity.
  • All Ages
  • Microbes and Parasites

Microbes and mates – Legionella

Legionnaires' disease can make us very sick. Venture through the microscope and meet the microbe in this fun animated video from the University of St. Andrews.
  • All Ages
  • Microbes and Parasites

Microbes and mates – Rotifers

Bdelloid rotifers are microscopic organisms. Learn about bdelloid rotifers via this animated video from the University of St. Andrews.
  • All Ages
  • Microbes and Parasites

Microbes and mates – Salmonella

Learn about Salmonella - the bacteria that can cause food poisoning and harmful side effects in humans and mammals. Animated video from the University of St. Andrews.
  • All Ages
  • Microbes and Parasites

Microbes and mates – E. coli

Learn about E. coli - from the perspective of the microbe! Animated video from the University of St. Andrews.
  • 11 and over
  • Immune System
  • Microbes and Parasites

Toxoplasmosis – Unlocking the secrets of a mysterious parasite

Toxoplasma is a mysterious parasite that can spread around most mammals - but can it affect humans? Learn more with this graphic novel from the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Parasitology at the University of Glasgow.
  • 11 and over
  • Immune System
  • Microbes and Parasites

Sleeping sickness – The fight against a nightmarish disease

Sleeping sickness is an almost always fatal disease that impacts people living in some of the poorest countries in the world. Find out more about the work being done to combat it, in this short graphic novel.
  • 11 and over
  • Immune System
  • Microbes and Parasites


Learn more about parasites, and the work that happens here in Glasgow as we strive to learn more about them, via this short comic from the Wellcome Centre.
  • 11 and over
  • Immune System
  • Microbes and Parasites

Malaria – A battle against a microscopic killer

This short comic tells us how malaria infection occurs, outlines the history of the disease and how it still affects humans.
  • 11 and over
  • Microbes and Parasites
  • Immune System

Helminths – The secret world of parasitic worms

Learn more about parasites and the scientific research behind potential infection with this short graphic novel set in Uganda.
  • 11 and over
  • Immune System
  • Microbes and Parasites

Our journey with germs

Learn about micro-organisms and how they can impact our body in this education pack from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. Discover what we know about germs today and Glasgow's role in turning germs from myth to fact.
  • All Ages
  • Microbes and Parasites

Soap and pepper demo

Discover the germ bursting power of soap and why washing your hands thoroughly can prevent the spread of germs.
  • 13 and over
  • Immune System
  • Microbes and Parasites

Bats, Rabies and COVID-19: Can we stop animal-borne diseases?

COVID-19 is one of many diseases thought to have spread from bats to humans. We need to find ways of preventing the ‘spillover’ of harmful viruses from the animal kingdom.