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01 Jun-02 Jun 2023
Health Tech
An image shows someone in protective clothing touch a screen in a lab setting.
  • 13 and over
  • Careers
  • Technology

Artificial Intelligence in medical research

Meet Kadie-Ann and Clarisse from the University of Aberdeen iCAIRD team to find out more about AI in healthcare.
  • 11 and over
  • Technology

The life saving light rays vs. super bacteria!

Light is all around us and part of our daily lives, but what if we told you that it can save lives? Join the U-Care Team as we take you through the journey of developing a technology that uses UV to beat antibiotic resistance.
  • 11 and over
  • Technology

Spot the lesion

Dr AI? Find out how artificial intelligence is trained and used in healthcare to help clinicians make an accurate and quick diagnosis from medical scans.
  • 8 and over
  • Muscles and Bones
  • Technology

Bionic hand

This fantastic resource from ESA Kids, looks at what's inside your hand and gives you instructions for building a bionic hand model.
  • 11 and over
  • Technology

Ultrasound technology

Ultrasound technology is commonly used to support medical diagnosis. These resources developed by Siemens PLC help explain what ultrasound is and investigates the many applications it has.
  • 11 and over
  • Medicines

Modelling molecules

Learn about the molecules that make up our medicines. Try out an activity to build your own 3D chemical structure models.
  • 8 and over
  • Heart and Lungs
  • Medicines

Build a body

Identify where organs are in the body and learn which organs some diseases target.
  • 8 and over
  • Immune System
  • Technology

Neutralise the threat

In this interactive game you will use technology to protect customers and store owners in your shopping centre from COVID-19.
  • 13 and over
  • Technology
  • Digestive System

The Scottish capsule programme (Scotcap)

Colon Capsule Endoscopy is a procedure which involves swallowing a capsule the size of a vitamin pill. The capsule contains a digital camera which is swallowed and, on its journey, takes up to 400,000 images.
  • 11 and over
  • Immune System
  • Technology

How do coronavirus tests work?

Ever wondered how tests for viruses like COVID-19 work? In this video, Michelle from Life Science Centre demonstrates how scientists tests for viruses and explains the difference between a virus test and antibody test.
  • 11 and over
  • Technology

Can Artificial Intelligence detect cancer?

Learn how experts have created an artificial intelligence system that can automatically find and measure cancer on patients’ scans, without any human input.
  • 13 and over
  • Microbes and Parasites
  • Technology

Using virtual reality to understand disease

The way proteins are folded is a rapidly-evolving research area in biology and medicine. However, understanding the 3D structures of these protein molecules and how they relate to diseases such as cancer can be very challenging.
  • 13 and over
  • Medicines
  • Careers

Viruses, vaccines and teamwork

Covid-19 has shaped our lives over the past year but what is a virus, how are vaccines developed, and what does it take to be a virologist?
An illustration of a brain with wires and signals passing through it
  • 8 and over
  • Technology

Odd one out

Artificial intelligence is speeding up the diagnosis of cancer and supporting doctors to make better, faster decisions that could save lives. AI can be much faster than humans at finding tiny differences in images.
  • 8 and over
  • Medicines

Our story about the WeeCAIR medicinal garden

Where do medicines come from? The Wee CAIR medicinal garden contains the plants that were used in the past to treat all sorts of conditions, and have influenced the medicines we use today.
  • 11 and over
  • Careers

Research Lab Tour – Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives Research (WCAIR)

Have you ever wondered what’s inside a research lab? This virtual lab tour lets you see what a modern research lab looks like. Take a tour!
  • 11 and over
  • Technology

Lasers, microscopes and virtual reality

Imagine standing inside a human cell. Not a cell drawn by an artist but a real cell that was scanned by lasers and then sent to a VR headset!