The way proteins are folded is a rapidly-evolving research area in biology and medicine. However, understanding the 3D structures of these protein molecules and how they relate to diseases such as cancer can be very challenging. To make it easier, researchers at the University of Glasgow have collaborated with Sublime/ Edify to develop software that uses virtual reality technology. Their Molecular Viewer software allows users to view and analyse protein structures in 3D, which can help provide a better understanding of the role of proteins in health and disease.
In this video, Professor Edward Tobias explains the importance of the BRCA1 gene in causing hereditary cancer. Using the Molecular Viewer software, he’ll show you the intricate 3D structure of an important part of the human BRCA1 gene. By looking carefully you’ll see how a tiny change in the DNA can cause a dramatic change in the structure of the BRCA1 protein, which can then cause breast cancer.
Edify (software) website:
Free genetics information for the public:–families.html