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01 Jun-01 Jun 2023

Ideas Studio

  • 13 and over
  • Health

Digital Careers

Discover a career in digital health care with the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) and Skills Development Scotland.
  • 13 and over
  • Health

The Scottish Capsule Programme (SCOTCAP)

Find out about an innovative healthcare project which uses a digital camera, inside a capsule the size of a vitamin pill, to journey through the digestive system and search for signs of ill health.
  • 11 and over
  • Health


Can you help Scotland’s young people keep active, healthy and happy? Join the #DigiInventorsChallenge with Glasgow Warriors and the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI).
  • 11 and over
  • Computer Science
  • Health

Using Virtual Reality to Understand Disease

See how cutting-edge software, using virtual reality, allows you to enlarge, rotate and “enter” tiny structures like protein molecules! Then discover how changes to DNA affect protein molecules and cause disease.
  • 11 and over
  • Computer Science
  • Health

Can Artificial Intelligence Detect Cancer?

Learn how experts have created an artificial intelligence system that can automatically find and measure cancer on patients’ scans, without any human input.
  • 11 and over
  • Computer Science
  • Health

Lasers, Microscopes and Virtual Reality

Imagine standing inside a human cell. Not a cell drawn by an artist but a real cell that was scanned by lasers and then sent to a VR headset!
  • 13 and over
  • Health

Looking for new treatments against COVID-19- CVR CRUSH

The race against the virus. Learn how scientists are re-purposing already available treatments against SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19.
  • 13 and over
  • Health

Viruses, Vaccines and Teamwork!

Covid-19 has shaped our lives over the past year but what is a virus, how are vaccines developed, and what does it take to be a virologist? Find out from Professor Emma Thomson from the Centre for Virus Research at the University of Glasgow.
  • 13 and over
  • Health

Precision Medicine: What’s it all about?

Research into precision medicine is still new and exciting and turning it into real world clinical practice still remains a massive challenge! Explore our content to learn more about precision medicine and overcoming these challenges.
  • 13 and over
  • Health

Bats, Rabies and COVID-19: Can we Stop Animal-borne Diseases?

COVID-19 is one of many diseases thought to have spread from bats to humans. We need to find ways of preventing the ‘spillover’ of harmful viruses from the animal kingdom.
  • adults only
  • Health

COVID-19, Health and Society

SENSITIVE CONTENT: How has the COVID-19 response influenced health and wellbeing across society?
  • 8 and over
  • Computer Science
  • Health

Odd One Out

Can you spot the odd one out? Find out how artificial intelligence can help doctors by trying this activity from our Idea No59 Exhibition.