E04: Dr Cecilia Medupin – Positivity and purpose
This week’s guest is Dr Cecilia Medupin, a senior lecturer in earth and environmental sciences at the University of Manchester. From wanting to be a doctor when she was younger, to completing her national military service for Nigeria, Cecilia’s route into science is a unique one. Cecilia provides valuable advice to young people and epitomizes the importance of a positive outlook.
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Ignite: How scientists become scientists
What’s cooler, aliens or dinosaurs? If a scientist had a time machine would they go to the past or the future?
Whether you’re an expert in physics, chemistry and biology, or you switched off in science at school, ‘Ignite’, the new podcast from Glasgow Science Centre, is for you. Featuring a new guest every week, we delve into the life and work of scientists from all over the world, finding out how they ended up where they are today. Our guests also provide valuable advice for people who have always been interested in the sciences but have no idea where to start.