Dive to the bottom of the ocean from the comfort of your own home!
Discover the creatures living in the deep Atlantic Ocean with our augmented reality colouring in.
Download the colouring page PDF and get creative! Then scan the QR Code on the page to download the Spectacular app which will bring your creations to life in augmented reality.
The colouring pages highlight 3 areas of the Atlantic Ocean that were investigated by scientists working on the ATLAS project, an EU funded initiative investigating the deep Atlantic Ocean.
Don’t forget to share your creations with us on social media. You can find us and tag us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Download the colouring pages here:
The Spectacular app is available for free on most mobile devices and can be downloaded here: https://quivervision.com/
Find more Ocean activities at #DynamicEarthOnline here: https://www.dynamicearthonline.co.uk/oceans
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 678760 (ATLAS). This outcome reflects only the author’s view and cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.