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01 Jun-02 Jun 2023


Exploring Scotland’s Seas

  • 7 And Under
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Change
  • Conservation
  • Oceans

Exploring Scotland’s Seas is a live recorded session focused on the amazing marine wildlife we have on our doorstep and covers a range of topics including climate change, marine litter and biodiversity. As the largest and leading marine charity in the UK, the Marine Conservation Society (MCS), are passionate about sharing their recently collected data to help communities and individuals add their voice to finding solutions to our marine issues. This session includes activities to introduce participants to the secret underwater world in Scotland and some of our amazing ocean superheroes.

For further information on MCS’s education sessions see here:

Join in with beach cleans:

Join in with citizen science:

You can find out lots more information on MCS’s YouTube channel:

About Kirsty Crawford

Kirsty works for The Marine Conservation Society as Volunteer and Community Engagement Manager for Scotland, delivering a host of ocean outreach activities and managing a network of hundreds of volunteers.

She has taken a few different paths: from an undergraduate in Journalism and Creative Writing in Glasgow, a Performing Arts Diploma and years spent in London as a professional performer. To internships with the BBC Natural History Unit, roles at London Zoo and The Conservation Volunteers, then finally graduating with an MSc in Wildlife Biology and Conservation in 2020.

She is passionate about being ‘more than one thing’ in life and advocating for the impact of environmental education through many different sectors.